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How To make Banana Phirni Tartlets With Fresh Strawberries? | Instant Banana Phirni Tartlets With Fresh Strawberries Recipe

Banana Phirni Tartlets with Fresh Strawberries is a delicious and unique dessert that combines the traditional Indian rice pudding called phirni with a crispy tart shell and fresh strawberries. Here is a breakdown of the different components of this dessert

Here is the list of steps How to make Banana Phirni Tartlets With Fresh Strawberries at home.


  • For the tartlets:
    • 1 cup all-purpose flour
    • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, chilled and diced
    • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
    • 1 egg yolk
    • 2-3 tablespoons ice water
    • Tartlet molds

For the banana phirni filling:

  • 1/2 cup basmati rice
  • 3 cups whole milk
  • 1/2 cup condensed milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • 2 ripe bananas, mashed

For the topping:

  • Fresh strawberries, sliced
  • Honey


  • Start by making the tartlet shells. In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, and chilled butter. Use your fingertips to rub the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs.
  • Add the egg yolk and mix until the dough starts to come together. Add a tablespoon of ice water at a time and mix until the dough forms a ball.
  • Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to about 1/4 inch thickness. Cut out circles using a round cookie cutter or the rim of a glass that fits your tartlet molds.
  • Grease the tartlet molds with butter and carefully place the circles into the molds, pressing them into the bottom and up the sides.
  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C). Prick the bottoms of the tartlet shells with a fork and bake them for 15-20 minutes, or until they turn golden brown. Let them cool completely before filling.
  • While the tartlet shells are baking, make the phirni filling. Rinse the rice and soak it in water for 30 minutes.
  • Drain the rice and grind it into a fine powder using a blender or a food processor.
  • In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, heat the whole milk over medium-high heat until it starts to boil.
  • Add the condensed milk and cardamom powder and stir well. Reduce the heat to low and add the rice powder gradually, stirring continuously to avoid lumps.
  • Cook the mixture for 15-20 minutes, or until it thickens and the rice is fully cooked. Stir in the mashed bananas and mix well.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and let the phirni cool to room temperature.
  • Once the tartlet shells and phirni have cooled, fill the tartlets with the phirni mixture.
  • Top each tartlet with fresh sliced strawberries and drizzle honey over the top.
  • Chill the tartlets in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.
  • These Banana Phirni Tartlets with Fresh Strawberries are a delicious and unique dessert that will impress your guests. The tartlet shells are buttery and flaky, while the banana phirni filling is creamy and fragrant with cardamom. The fresh strawberries on top add a burst of freshness and sweetness. Enjoy!
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