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How To make Hyderabadi Dum Chai? | Instant Hyderabadi Dum Chai Recipe

Hyderabadi Dum Chai is a rich and creamy tea that is brewed with a combination of spices, tea leaves, and milk. The tea is slow-cooked over low heat to extract the maximum flavor from the ingredients, resulting in a deliciously fragrant and aromatic brew that is perfect for any time of the day. In this recipe, we will take you through the step-by-step process of making Hyderabadi Dum Chai in your own kitchen.

Here is a breakfast recipe that is easy to prepare and delicious to eat.


  • 1-liter full cream milk
  • 2-3 tablespoons of tea leaves (Assam tea leaves work best)
  • 1-inch piece of ginger
  • 3-4 cardamom pods
  • 2-3 cloves
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/4 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns
  • 2-3 strands of saffron
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar (or as per your taste)
  • 1 cup of water


  • Step 1: Begin by heating a deep-bottomed saucepan over low heat. Add one liter of full cream milk to the pan and bring it to a boil. Once the milk comes to a boil, reduce the heat to the lowest setting and let the milk simmer for a few minutes. This process will help to thicken the milk and give the chai its creamy texture.
  • Step 2: While the milk is simmering, crush the ginger, cardamom pods, cloves, cinnamon stick, fennel seeds, and black peppercorns using a mortar and pestle. You can also use a coffee grinder to crush the spices. Once the spices are crushed, add them to the simmering milk.
  • Step 3: Next, add 2-3 tablespoons of tea leaves to the milk. You can use Assam tea leaves or any other tea leaves of your choice. Make sure that the tea leaves are of good quality and are fresh. Stir the tea leaves gently into the milk.
  • Step 4: Add one cup of water to the saucepan and let the tea simmer over low heat for at least 20-30 minutes. This slow-cooking process will allow the flavors of the spices and tea leaves to infuse into the milk, resulting in a rich and aromatic brew.
  • Step 5: After 20-30 minutes, turn off the heat and add 2-3 strands of saffron to the tea. Saffron adds a lovely aroma and flavor to the chai, making it even more delicious.
  • Step 6: Finally, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar (or as per your taste) to the tea and stir well. The sugar will help to balance out the flavors of the spices and tea leaves.
  • Step 7: Strain the tea through a fine-mesh strainer into a teapot or individual serving cups. Make sure to press down on the tea leaves and spices to extract as much flavor as possible.
  • Step 8: Serve the Hyderabadi Dum Chai hot with your favorite snacks or biscuits. You can also add a splash of milk or cream to the chai for an even creamier texture.


  • Use good quality tea leaves for the best flavor. Assam tea leaves work best for Hyderabadi Dum Chai.
  • Crush the spices finely for a more fragrant and aromatic brew.
  • Use full cream milk for a creamy texture. You can also use half-and-half or heavy cream for an even richer brew.
  • Don’t rush the cooking process. Let the tea simmer over low heat for at least 20-30 minutes to extract maximum flavor from the ingredients.
  • Adjust the amount
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