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How To make Kaju And Pista Roll? | Instant Kaju And Pista Roll Recipe

Kaju and Pista Roll is a popular Indian sweet made with cashew nuts and pistachios. It is a delectable and easy-to-make dessert that can be enjoyed on various occasions like festivals, weddings, and other celebrations. Here is a step-by-step recipe for making Kaju and Pista Roll at home:

Here is the list of step to make Kaju And Pista Roll at home 


  • Cashew nuts (250 grams)
  • Pistachios (100 grams)
  • Sugar (1 cup)
  • Ghee (1 tablespoon)
  • Water (1/4 cup)
  • Silver foil (optional)


  • Start by roasting the cashew nuts and pistachios separately on a low flame until they turn golden brown. Keep them aside to cool down.
  • Grind the roasted cashew nuts in a food processor until you get a fine powder. Do not over-grind as it may turn into a paste.
  • Now, grind the roasted pistachios in a food processor until you get a fine powder. Keep it aside.
  • Take a heavy-bottomed pan and add sugar and water. Heat it on a low flame and stir continuously until the sugar dissolves.
  • Increase the heat to medium and cook the sugar syrup until it reaches a one-string consistency. To check the consistency of the sugar syrup, take a drop of syrup on your index finger and press it with your thumb. When you pull your thumb and index finger apart, a single string of syrup should form.
  • Add the cashew powder to the sugar syrup and mix well. Keep stirring continuously to avoid lumps.
  • Once the cashew mixture starts leaving the sides of the pan and becomes a thick dough-like consistency, turn off the flame.
  • Transfer the cashew dough to a plate and let it cool down.
  • Once the cashew dough is cooled down, grease your hands with ghee and knead the dough for a few minutes to make it smooth.
  • Now, divide the cashew dough into two parts. Roll out each part into a rectangular shape with the help of a rolling pin.
  • Sprinkle the ground pistachios on top of the rolled-out cashew dough.
  • Gently roll the cashew dough with the pistachios into a tight log shape. Repeat the same process with the other part of the cashew dough.
  • Wrap the cashew rolls in silver foil and refrigerate them for at least an hour.
  • Once the rolls are set, remove them from the refrigerator and cut them into thin slices using a sharp knife.
  • Serve the Kaju and Pista Roll slices on a plate, and enjoy this delicious sweet with your family and friends.


Kaju and Pista Roll is an easy-to-make and delicious dessert that can be prepared at home. With just a few ingredients, you can create a sweet treat that will be enjoyed by everyone. So, follow this recipe, and treat your loved ones with this mouth-watering dessert.

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